This Sunday (Jan, 30, 2011) is our next scheduled urban farmer meeting.  I am excited and also nervous about how it will go!  we have about 17 people RSVP’d so far and hope for a few more in the next couple days.

This is actually an exciting week for urban farming in Vancouver with Will Allen of Growing Power speaking to the public and city council on Thursday, and holding a Q and A with urban farmers on Wednesday.

Today we met with our facilitator for the Jan 30th meeting which was settling for me.  I have a lot on the go right now and today’s meeting somehow allowed me to offload a bit  of anxiety just knowing we have a skilled facilitator to help guide us through the process of finding a collective voice.

Although support for the project so far has been very positive, I have been weighed down by a few critics who have been critical of the process and seem to be questioning the integrity of the project.  I hope this does not continue as we establish more of a collective voice.