Whether you’re interested in starting and growing your own microgreens business or simply growing microgreens for yourself at home, Urban Micro’s online courses are the place to start!

While many online courses throw out big numbers in terms of your profit potential to draw you in, the reality is growing microgreens can be a quite difficult with many unexpected costs and challenges. Other courses cannot provide the insights you need because the instructors do not have sufficient experience to give you a complete picture of growing microgreens as a business.

Microgreens growing expert Chris Thoreau draws on 15 years of home and commercial production experience to bring you the most comprehensive look at growing microgreens you can get anywhere. Chris draws from his background in farming, agroecology, seed production, soil science, and spreadsheet development to give you a complete picture of the growing and business aspects of microgreens.

Course Options

Free Home Series

For those of you wanting to grow microgreens just for yourselves…or as a possible warm up for commercial production – this is the place to start. A comprehensive look at supplies, processes and record keeping to get yo started quickly.

Crash Course ($149 US)

Ready to move ahead with commercial production but still worried about investing in training? This is a good start and won’t break the bank…and you’ll realize you’ve saved that $149 by about 85 minutes into the course. Upgrade to the Complete Course below at anytime for just the difference in price.

Complete Course ($299 US)

If you know what you want then you know how to get it – by taking this course! A comprehensive look at all aspects of microgreens production and includes the incredible Microgreens Crop Planner (newly revised for the 2021 season!).

Here is some of what you can expect from the Complete Course:

  • Why microgreens are a lucrative crop to grow
  • What microgreen crops are the best to start with
  • Why some high-priced crops are not worth growing
  • How you could make a living in a lot less space than you expected
  • If microgreens are a fit for your market
  • How to make a side income growing microgreens in your garage
  • What equipment you need to grow microgreens
  • How to harvest microgreens to get long-lasting products
  • Which seeds to soak before sowing
  • Why you might not want to use a lot of compost in your soil mix
  • Why buying high-quality seed is a lot more important than you think
  • Why a great product in a poor package could lead to poor sales
  • How to create story labels that stand out and tell your story
  • Why you might want to think twice before selling live microgreens
  • How important food health and safety regulations are
  • How a single day can drastically affect the quality of your crop
  • How to create an easy to follow crop plan
  • How to keep great records without having to study accounting
  • How you could make over $100,000 in a very small space

We are happy to be partnering with Farm Small Farm Smart to offer this course and other online microgreens growing materials.

Read all the details, see the curriculum, and choose your course here!

Subscribe to our YouTube page here.

Check out the Microgreens Crop Planner here

E-mail if you have any questions! It may take me a while to reply as this is a busy time of year, so don’t be afraid to follow up on your inquiries!

[email protected]


Ian · April 18, 2017 at 11:04 pm

Hi Chris, I purchased your online workshop…it is excellent and great value, highly recommend it. I have a question regarding the CFIA guidelines for sanitizing seed with hydrogen peroxide it say to use 6-10% for 10 minutes. But other online info is all saying 3%. Just wondering what you would use and if you make the 3% solution from 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide? Is sanidate just a brand name for hydrogen peroxide?

michael johnson · March 5, 2019 at 8:39 pm

Hey, i have taken the on line version, old version i guess, can i re-take the upcoming version? with the new content, thanks Mike Johnson, Buckhorn Lakes Farm, Montrose, Colorado, [email protected]

    urbanmicro · March 6, 2019 at 4:35 pm

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, I will be replacing the old content with the new content so current workshop subscribers will get the upgrade. Will be a good excuse to review the materials! In reviewing things so far I actually feel it’s very comprehensive, thigh the be version will be a little better quality and definitely have some add-ons. I’ll also be doing a whole new section on marketing and based on survey feedback will have a whole series of new material soon.


      Laura Headley · March 20, 2019 at 2:00 am

      Hey Chris,
      Thanks for lending your expertise to farmers like me who want to grow commercial microgreen farming. I’m looking to set up a small-scale business in Toronto for top tier chefs. Believe I can greatly benefit from your experience with the business side of things. Would love to connect, learn from you and be better positioned for success. Let me know what you this is best.
      Thanks so much,

        urbanmicro · March 21, 2019 at 1:17 am

        Hi Laura,

        Thanks for the email.

        Have you checked out my online workshop? https://www.permaculturevoices.com/product/microgreensonline/

        This is always the best place to start and the best use of your money! IF you are ready for next steps I do consults at $150/hour or 4-hour batches at $500 (we can spread the four hours over several sessions). I also have many free videos online on my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/garlicpatch

        Business wise you should check out the Crop Planner page on the site as well: https://urbanmicro.ca/crop-planner/



          Laura Headley · March 26, 2019 at 7:59 pm

          Thanks for this reply and the useful info! Appreciate it a lot. Will reach out if I need your expert consult. Thanks 🙂

Lillian Evans · March 19, 2019 at 1:49 am

Hi Chris,

Your microgreens workshop has been helpful. I have been running my trials, plan on being in full production by the end of spring. Please email me with any updates and upcoming webinars I really don’t want to miss out.

Jacob Goldfarb · April 10, 2019 at 5:54 pm

Hello. I’m just wondering if the Microgreens Crop Planner and Enterprise Budget spreadsheet is included with the workshop, or if you sell it separately? Thanks!

Joti · July 24, 2020 at 12:48 am

Hi Chris,

Appreciate the info. Watched microgreen home series and learned a lot. I see that in the sheet you have 10 Bootstrap trays with holes and two boot trays. When you are producing 4 crops how can we manage with Two boot trays. At what stage of the plant would u recommend using boot trays for Bottom watering.

If you have any coupon code for boot strap. Please share. Would u recommend boot strap or paper pot trays.

Thanks a Lot

Joti · July 24, 2020 at 12:49 am

Hi Chris,

Appreciate the info. Watched microgreen home series and learned a lot. I see that in the sheet you have 10 Bootstrap trays with holes and two boot trays. When you are producing 4 crops how can we manage with Two boot trays. At what stage of the plant would u recommend using boot trays for Bottom watering.

If you have any coupon code for boot strap or paper pot trays, Please share.

Thanks a LOT

    urbanmicro · October 14, 2020 at 10:09 pm

    Sorry for slow reply here. Both Bootstrap and PaperPot Co. make great trays and PaperPot is close to having a new microgreens-specific tray ready!

    Bottom water when tray is getting lighter but not yet dried out, maybe day 2-3 after uncovering. Really varies depending on growing conditions and temperature.
