Well today we had another urban farmer meeting – this one a bit smaller, but still a good time!

Although this one was on very short notice, we still had 12 people turn out. And three of those people were new to the group – including another urban farm: City Farm Girls.

The idea of this meeting was to start to look ahead to the working groups we are preparing for the New Year.  We wanted to get some feedback on the categories we had established from the first meeting’s list of ideas as well as solicit input on working group models/ideas.

It was a very good group and we had a number of great talks over 2 1/2 hours. We are currently working on getting the meeting summarized in order to solicit more feedback from others who could not make it.

A summary document and project introduction was finished after the November 22 meeting and will be released to the public on Monday.  This not only summarizes the general meeting and the discussion group results, but also gives a general outline of the project, so it also acts as a promotional paper. we are already receiving lots of good feedback on the project and are excited to move forward.

We also have a number of opportunities for new funding sources which Wes (BOB) and I are working on.  We also have meetings with city planners and Vancity early in 2011 which could also be potential sources of funding.

The ball is really rolling now!  I am curious to see where it will go…