So I need to reflect on the Jan 30 meeting a bit to process what was achieved.

The Hopes and Fears exercise really demonstrated people’e desire to work together.  This will be important in determining the success of the network.  It also demonstrated the fear of the network not being able to follow through – as so many grass roots initiatives often do not get off the ground for very long.  Other fears were about who such a network would serve and that it might become too insulated; and that it will get too caught up in details and not get shit done.

The visioning exercise really envisioned what the network would do including advocacy, communications, education and demonstrating value.

The next exercise was much the same and somewhat worked to go into more detail on the visioning exercise.

The final exercise acted more as what would some of these things look like.

So, it seems that the “how” is the next part of the process…

We will work from what we have gathered to establish the how.  I plan to do this in a table to start to get an idea of how we can address hopes, fears, and ideas.