We had a good planning meeting on Monday to prepare for the meeting on the 22nd. There were 8 people in attendance which is a manageable number. The general feedback on the event was positive and it seems that so far we are fairly organized and on top of things. One of the challenges right now is the actual success of this meeting! We have 33 people confirmed and another 18 that we still have yet to hear from. I would like to cap the meeting at about 40, but also do not want to exclude anyone. Also, we have to pay for each guest for dinner, so our budget may be in trouble!
A few new ideas have come to mind to enhance the meeting. First, is to have some sheets on the wall with a few questions posed to get people thinking about later discussions. I figure something like:
“What does urban farming mean to you?”
“What would an urban farming network look like to you?”
“What do you see as urban farming’s biggest challenges.”
People can add new thoughts or ideas and add check marks to ideas they agree with.
I also want to have a series of “Meet your urban farmers and support people” posters that have a short description of the urban farms and urban food producing businesses that have been identified. Our original list of farming groups was 12 and now we are at over 18 comprised of over 50 people.
I am currently writing a grant application for an OSDP grant. We do need matching funds to receive this grant and it is due on NOv. 12. So it is looking less and less likely!