Moving Right Along

Well, one day you are growing sprouts and the next day you are measuring them in a laboratory! Day , Monday ended up being measurement day because the sprouts had been growing so well that they had already reached the size they would be outside. In fact, by day 9 Read more…

Day 6 Whoa!

So today is Saturday and I thought I should check on the sprouts even though I wasn’t really planning on going to campus. They made a such huge growth in the last 24 hours it was almost unbelievable. Sprouts were sticking out the side of the trays; the trays were Read more…

Day 5 Sprouts

Well, things are still looking good besides the mess the rats leave behind! The sprouts are now starting to push up on their covering trays so by Monday we should really be able to see where things are at. I can see with some of the higher density plantings that Read more…

And Day Four

Well, day four has been reassuring as the sprouts are growing very well, but the rodents were back! I will be really curious to see how production is at the different seed planting densities, especially taking into account the different germination rates for the two seed types. The black oil Read more…

Sprout trials begin

And off we go. I started sprout trials in the horticulture greenhouse at UBC yesterday. Last night I prepared trays of growing medium and soaked seeds to be planted this morning. Everything went according to plan! I have posted three videos and a picture below detailing some of the work Read more…

Moving along

Well, things are moving along quite nicely now. I applied the synthetic mulch to the smaller area and now just have to play the waiting game. The videos below will provide a much better summary then I could ever hope to write at this time of night: [youtube=] [youtube=]

…but still at it

Well, stressed out or not, on the project continues. I met with Professor Andrew Riseman today to discuss my proposal to do some sprouting trials in the greenhouse at UBC. I want to learn more about planting density, soil type and depth, and other growing criteria about the sprouts, so Read more…

stressed out

Well, as much as I love this project and am dedicated to it, I am seriously considering putting it on hold until next season. even though I am already more than a hundred hours into planning this year, it may have to wait. I have a meeting with UBC Farm Read more…