Well, I am still soil sampling and getting along pretty well. Last Friday I collected bulk density samples from the larger no-till area as well samples for pH and OM tests. I will also perform these tests on the smaller area (see last blog). I did not yet do penetrometer testing in the larger area and am excited to see how this comes out. The larger area is covered in blackberries which leave the soil in incredible shape. I am curious as to pH and OM content.

I also did a species count in the smaller are to see what weed species are there now and how quickly they die off once mulched. I am still waiting for my Bokashi to finish fermenting before mulching the area with the synthetic fabric.

Today I started preparing the soil samples I have already collected. I am oven drying the bulk density samples as well as the samples for OM %. The pH samples are simply air drying. I should be able to take some measurements tomorrow.

I read that no-till areas should be soil tested at 7.5 and 15 cm depths as much of the activity takes place in the upper layers of soil. I just did a composite sample for these first measurement, which should be fine since they are not in production.

I try to attach a couple of videos below to give you an idea of what the spaces are like and what I am doing. Enjoy!

1 Comment

cmthoreau · March 18, 2009 at 6:19 am

woo hoo

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